mercoledì 30 dicembre 2009

Enrico's Hand

Enrico Camana


Hands can build,shape and destroy.

sabato 26 dicembre 2009

Charles's Hand

Charles Hamilton Louis Dahlkoetter

United States Of America

I love the idea of the hand blog. The gathered pictures could tell a story; and could probably be formed into the type of book I would love to have myself. A hand journal. A journey seen through hand.

The story of my hand at that moment in my life was of creative potential. I was just getting into college and my creativity was boundless. I had so many ideas for things to write and sculpt and craft and draw and photograph. The world was full of possibilities and I seemed to be full of limitlees ideas to capture them and show them to others. The night I took that picture the night sky was a beautiful deep blue in stark contrast to the cheap orange lighting at my apartment. I'd taken a picture of the sky but the blue had no frame of reference so I put up my hand and it captured the light in a very surreal way; and with the long exposure it had a living glow as if painted by an impressionist painter.

venerdì 18 dicembre 2009

Arielle's Hand

Arielle Rothenberg

United States

I really like hands. Personally, I have this weird thing about touching other people's hands, so if I do touch another person's hand or let them touch mine, it's really special. Hands also tell a lot about a person -- where they've been, what they do; it's like a second face.

giovedì 10 dicembre 2009

Mauro's Hand

Mauro A.


..the hands ..makes