mercoledì 29 aprile 2009

Silvia's Hand



" I’ve a particoular adoration for hands, I think they can convey the essence of a person. Every gesture can communicate more than one word.
I love hands. I love mine, and photograph with them."

venerdì 24 aprile 2009

Eli's Hand

Elisa F.


These boxes are the best things i do with my hands..These boxes and what you know i did last night.

Lauren's Hand

Lauren Rose

United States of America

"chipped nails & homemade bracelets.This is my hand."

DongWha's Hand

DongWha Seo

South Korea (living in Italy)

"hands: they are expressive, versatile, beautiful and incredibly elegant. i think that pianists' hands fully fit this description i made"

Her deviantART gallery:

Vik's Hand

Vik Lee Bronshtein


My hand needs to play some instrument

Her deviantART gallery:

giovedì 23 aprile 2009

Eugenia's Hand

Eugenia Durante


Hands are incredible-they can express frailty or strenght with just a contraction. They're the first part I notice in a person and often express people's personality.

Her deviantART gallery:

mercoledì 22 aprile 2009

Alexa's Hand

Alexa Chirnoaga


"raise your hand and there issome essential beauty in your fingers,which aren’t even drumming, but lieflat and peaceful." (via

sabato 18 aprile 2009

MrCarbonMonoxide's Hand

My Wolfie hand.

Welcome all,
I'm MrCarbonMonoxide and I open this blog 'cause HANDS are very important for me, and for the World.
Hand tied and made the World.
The best things that we doing, are made with HANDS.
So What you think about HAND?